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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What works for YOU?!

Now that you have a gym down, what do you do? There are all of these weird machines and equipment and you don't know what to start with or how to use them properly. You may be feeling overwhelmed. You want to shave about 15 pounds off of your stomach, but you also want to lose that underarm hang, firm up your booty, slim your waist, and may as well throw in tone up your arms and show off some muscle on those upper arms! Basically, after choosing a gym you thought you were at this ==> :D when in reality, you are actually starting to feel like this ==>   :/   :[   :-O

To begin with workouts, figure out what makes YOU happiest. Maybe you actually enjoy a nice run to get lost from all of that work you have to do at home. Maybe you jump around from different machines because you cannot wait to dive into all of those in front of you! Maybe the gym you chose has a pool and you would rather swim off your cardio than run straight for an hour on a treadmill. Start the first week off trying anything and everything to find what you like best - but remember to take one day at a time.

If you ultimately started at a gym to lose weight, cardio will become your new best friend :) Try doing a series of different machines instead of sticking to one. Set yourself distance goals and try to go a little bit further each day. The treadmill is great for warming up and cooling down for the beginning and ends of your workouts. The elliptical is great for seeing how long you can move without stopping. Maybe throw in a bike ride and see how many miles you can go before you feel like you are going to pass out. Stick to the cardio first, and then worry about toning up your body later.

Now, if you are already at the point where you look in the mirror at your fabulous self every morning, thinking: Look at that body! It's perfect...except my skinny arms and chicken legs could be a little bigger - then the machines are for YOU! Start targeting the same muscle groups one day at a time. Try doing all back machines one day and then all leg machines the next. Consistency is key! Remember to rotate your groups each week, trying to touch everything in one week and then back on the same routine next week. Make your body have something to look forward to. Arrange a fun schedule for you to follow each week:

Monday Arm Madness

Tuesday Back Toning

Wild Weights Wednesday (this would be your choice each week)

Thursday Shoulder Throw-Down

Friday Fun-Runs!

Saturday: sleep in?

Whatever your new schedule may be, remember to stick with it and have fun with it!


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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Start at a gym!

Many of you starting off and getting into the 'fitness fad' may be wondering what types of workouts are truly the best for your body. Maybe you want to lose weight. Maybe it isn't the weight but more so about the way your arms look, your legs, or your booty :) Whatever it may be, you can start lifting that stressful weight off of your shoulders at the gym. Take some time for yourself when choosing the right gym that fits your weighted schedule.

Many gyms offer 'trial' weeks for free that allow you to use everything that comes with the package. Take dear advantage of these! See what equipment looks the most appealing to you and see what training options are included. Heck! You can even bounce around multiple gyms for an entire month using all of the 'free-week' trial periods before even having to pay anything.

Planet Fitness is a great gym for those working on a college budget (like myself). They have an offer of merely $10 a month to use all of their clean, wonderful machines. So - get yourself to a gym over the next week and see what options are out there!


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